When it comes to garage doors, you want to have as many options as possible. This way, you will be able to find something that fits with the design scheme of your home.
Multiple options are especially important when finding a garage door for a home with contemporary architecture. Leading garage door manufacturer Garaga has 24 different door models. Seven of these models are in the “contemporary” sphere. If you think a modern door would look good on your home, here is what you need to know.
So, what exactly is contemporary style?
Stylistically, contemporary homes have a few common characteristics. Many have flat roofs or roofing with four equal slopes. The outsides are often dark in color and consist of different kinds of siding, such as wood, stone or brick. The exteriors also have straight lines and clean angles. Most “contemporary” homes have larger openings for windows and for rear doors.
Modern architects usually cite Frank Lloyd Wright as their biggest influence. A renowned architect, Wright created the Usonian design, which was the inspiration for the “ranch” style homes that were built all across North America in the 1950s.
Ranch-style home popularized in the 1950s
Give me some details about exactly what these contemporary doors look like
GARAGA’s contemporary designs have the same kind of large windows and clean, straight lines you find in modern residential architecture. Here are the details about all of our contemporary garage doors:
- The VOG: with a deep, v‑shaped, horizontal groove, 40″ x 1 ¼” (102 x 3 cm) long on each section. This door has an understated, but very sleek, look.
- The MODERNO: this door has a thin 3⁄16″ (5 mm), continuous line running the full width of the door. The Moderno comes in two configurations: the 2‑Bead with each section having a line at the top and bottom, and the Multi, with equally spaced lines every 4 or so inches.
- The GROOVED: in the same vein, this model has a continuous horizontal line, this time 1″‑high (25mm) over the full width of the door. The number of grooves may be either 4 or 5 depending on the height of the door sections.
- The FLUSH model: for a truly sleek look, the FLUSH has no embossed lines or grooves, just a light woodgrain finish to give the impression of a wooden door from the 1950s.
What about windows?
One of the best aspects of Garaga doors is that they are fully customizable. For contemporary designs, this means that you can add the style of window that best fits with your home’s architecture. For contemporary homes, this usually means large windows, such as 40″ x 13″ (102 x 32 cm), that can be positioned differently on the garage door sections.
You can also customize the glass of your windows. Garaga offers clear glass, but you can also choose windows with printed designs, and frosted or textured glass.
How large can the windows be?
If you are looking for something truly modern and unique, why not consider fully-windowed door sections? Garaga’s California door is the perfect choice for this look because it has an all-glass design with a strong, sturdy extruded aluminum frame. You can choose from the same window options mentioned above, plus others, including tinted or colored glass.
How we can help with your new door?
Feel free to reach out to us in the following ways:
You can contact us anytime at 613-749-2138. Also, you could stop over at our showroom to see samples and talk with us face‑to‑face. If you’d prefer, you can start with an emailed quotation. We will offer you several different door options based on your needs.
When it is time to perfect the design of your door, you can head over to our design center to see what the door would look like on your home. You can also get inspired by browsing through our image gallery.
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