It’s easy to make claims that sound true today. The Internet and digital technology have allowed misinformation to spread far and wide, with social media posts shared simply because the information “seems” true without anyone taking a few minutes to verify its validity. Politics, religion, and immigration are the primary areas of misinformation and fake news, but even something as mundane as garage doors can be affected. And, once those myths are established, they can be nearly impossible to clear away.
For homeowners on the market for a new garage door, we’re going to run through some of the more prevalent myths and fake news surrounding garage doors so you can make an informed decision based on fact, not fiction. And, when you have additional questions, make sure you talk to an actual garage door expert to get the answers.
All garage doors are manufactured the same way
It might seem like a garage door is a garage door and that there are few differences between them, but that’s not true. You only need to look at the wide range of construction materials to see how different they can really be. Garage doors can be made from steel, wood, or aluminum, and each material has its own benefits and character. For instance, wood is warm and natural, while steel is strong and durable. Aluminum is light and can be used as a frame for all‑glass doors that let in lots of natural light.
Choosing the right garage door material really comes down to determining how the material fits your needs. You also need to think about garage door thickness. Double garage doors that measure 16 feet by 7 feet should be around 1 ¾ inches thick. They should also have a layer of polyurethane foam injected into them for insulation. Why does that matter? It’s really all about ensuring that your door is strong and strong when it is left open for long periods.
There’s no need to insulate a garage door
Yes, a garage door just needs to close the gap in a wall. If your garage was located away from your home, and you did not use it to store valuable items, you could safely ignore insulation. However, for most of us, that’s not the case. In most instances, your garage is attached to your home and you use it to store valuable possessions. It also makes sense that if you have a bedroom over the garage, you would want to install a weathertight, insulated garage door, right?
Insulated garage doors allow you to reduce your energy consumption by helping to prevent heat and cooling loss, not just in the garage, but in your home. A well‑insulated garage door equipped with weatherstripping and effective thermal breaks helps keep your entire home warm in winter and cool in the summer.
You can handle garage door repairs on your own
Sure, there are things you can do to maintain your garage doors, but repairs should be handled by trained specialists. There’s just too much danger involved with these systems – broken bones are very common, and in a worst‑case scenario, you could be killed. With that being said, you can reduce your need to hire professionals with the right annual maintenance. Inspect your garage door and opener system twice per year. Tighten all nuts and bolts, including those on the hinges, angle mounts, and tracks. Lubricate the track and weatherstripping correctly. For more advanced issues, contact us at Portes Ram Doors – we’re qualified to find any issue and repair it quickly and professionally.
Garage doors don’t need maintenance
Garage doors seem like simple things, but they do require TLC throughout the year. You would never drive your car without changing the oil, and your door deserves the same level of care. Why? 70% of US homeowners use their garage as the primary point of entry to the home. That means the door gets used a lot, and it could cause serious injury to you or your children if it is not maintained correctly. Not sure how to maintain your garage door? It’s not that difficult, and you can refer to this guide for everything you need to know.
Garage doors normally make lots of noise
Sure, they do make some noise during operation. The majority of garage door components are made from metal to give them lots of strength and durability. With that being said, you need to listen to your system during operation so that you can pinpoint any unusual sounds. It’s not so much about the level of noise normally present as it is those strange sounds that develop over time. Listen to the rollers, tracks, and lift springs while the door is opening and closing. If you notice anything out of the usual, contact us immediately.
Garage doors are not dangerous at all
It’s easy to think that garage doors are benign. However, they can be very dangerous. Keep in mind that garage doors can actually weigh several hundred pounds. It’s only the counterbalance system that allows you to raise and lower them with a single hand. Also, the US National Electronic Injury Surveillance System points out that each year, more than 10,000 accidents involving garage doors occur, including being hit, cuts, crushed fingers, and more.
In addition to the counterbalance spring system, you also need to make sure that the two automatic reverse mechanisms on your door are working properly. To check these, you only need to take some minor steps. To check the mechanical system, place a 2 x 4 on the ground under the door and allow it to close. The door should reverse the instant it touches the wood. If not, there’s a major problem. To test the photo‑electric reverse system, you simply need to pass your foot in front of one of the two photo‑eyes located about four inches off the ground on either side of the door while the door is closing. It should reverse immediately. If not, get in touch with us.
Repairing a garage door is just too expensive
Yes, repairs to your garage door and/or opener can be costly. That’s particularly true if you did not get an estimate before the work, or you are unaware of what the repairperson actually did. There are a couple of ways that you can spare yourself this cost, at least to an extent.
First, make sure you perform your bi‑annual maintenance routine. That will reduce wear and tear, as well as the chance of you experiencing an accident or breakdown. If you don’t have the time to do it yourself, we can help. We offer a tune‑up program that keeps your garage door system in tip‑top shape all year long.
Next, when you do need work done on your door, make sure you ask for both an estimate and an explanation of exactly what work is being done and which parts are being replaced. Do this before you hire anyone. Any worthwhile garage door technician should be happy to provide you with as much information in advance as possible and will stick close to the cost estimate, as well.
Cheap garage door openers are just fine
Yes, garage door openers can be expensive, particularly if you buy from a specialist company. They’re much cheaper if you go to a big box store and buy and install your own. The problem here is that you’re getting a cheap model that will ultimately leave you in the lurch. Before you buy a low‑quality opener, ask yourself a couple of questions. How often do you use that door? Chances are good that you use it three or four times per day. Cheap openers will not hold up to rigorous use. Next, do you want your family to be safe? Cheap garage door openers put you and your children at risk.
So, why is there such a price disparity between worthwhile openers and cheap options at your local bargain store? One of the major differences is the trolley that pulls the garage door. Cheap versions are usually made in three sections, which means more chance for breakdowns and problems. It also means more need to tighten bolts regularly, particularly if you have a larger double door. Low cost door openers also usually lack basic accessories, such as a wall panel that allows you to reprogram your remote, Wi‑Fi connectivity, and the possibility of installing a battery backup.
Want to know more?
If you’re ready to learn more and you’re located in or around Ottawa, then contact us at 613-749-2138. We know garage doors better than anyone and would be happy to give you the guidance needed to make an informed choice.
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